Almost every time when I deliver training on the Role Tailored Client and talk about the personalization features I get a question from a student: Is it possible to disable the "customize this page" feature for a page in the RTC?
My answer always is: "No, not to my knowledge." Until now that is…
I was thinking, maybe this could be an undocumented feature somehow? Let's try something. I already knew that you could start the Role Tailored Client from the command prompt and supply it with parameters.
And there was nothing in here about personalization. But let's try it anyway.
Let's see what happens?
Wow, it works J The Customize options are gone. Nice, not?
I also tried some other spelling variants like for example:
- -disablepersonalisation
- -disable personalization
- -disablepersonalisation
but without success.
- -disablepersonalization is the one.
Then I also tested it on a NAV 2009 SP1 version, but then this happens:
So it seems to be something that was added in NAV 2009 R2.
Then I thought, I must not be the only one that knows about this feature. So I went on the web and found that on the Mibuso forum, someone else also tumbled upon this feature. You can see the thread here:
And it seems that using – or / produces the same result. And as you can see, you can also use the parameter in the NAV 2009 R2 Shortcut.
Of course nothing prevents the user from removing this parameter J