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Microsoft Outlook tip: AutoCompletion of contacts

I recently installed my brand-new laptop and discovered something about Microsoft Outlook that was annoying and how to solve the issue.

What was the problem?

Well, when I migrated my .pst file, my contacts were also migrated, of course, but when I create a new email and started typing the name of my contact on the To box, AutoCompletion was not working anymore.

It seems that the AutoComplete file of Outlook is stored under [Your Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook , and it always saved as the profile name of Outlook with .NK2 extension. But I did not backup this file, so I cannot restore it on my new machine…

After a thinking investigation I thought to try something.

Whenever you send an email to a contact, the next time you want to send him an email, the AutoCompletion works. So, I created a new email and added all my contacts in the To box. Then I pressed CTRL-K to parse them and then I closed my new email, without sending it.

After that, AutoCompletion was working again J

This has nothing to do with Microsoft Dynamics NAV or SQL Server, but I thought I would share this tip anyway ;-)

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