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You do not have permission to delete the MBS MenuSuite object.

Sometimes when you are upgrading a Dynamics NAV database towards Dynamics NAV 5 or Dynamics NAV 5 SP1 with the Upgrade Toolkit you might receive this error when executing Task 5: Delete objects of the Upgrade Toolkit:

The issue occurs because the Upgrade Toolkit tries to delete all MenuSuite objects, but your partner license does not have permissions to delete the MBS MenuSuite object.

Possible solutions:

  • You can delete all the Objects except for the Objects you do not have permission for manually.
  • Alternatively change the code in Codeunit 104002 – "Delete Objects Excl. Tables" to not delete MenuSuite Objects and handle only these Objects manually. This is not difficult, you just have to remove MenuSuite from the Filter of objects to be deleted:

    Then after you Import the file containing the Dynamics NAV 5 Objects, make sure that you choose "Replace All" in the Import Worksheet.
  • The best solution is that you have your license updated. So to resolve this issue, please send a request to Microsoft Business Solutions Licensing Team to update your license file.


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