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Sheep and costing, a winning combination

My collegeau Steven referred me to an interesting blog about Microsoft Dynamics: The blog is written by Vjekoslav Babić, also simply referred to as Vjeko. He work as a consultant with Microsoft Croatia, specializing in Microsoft Dynamics solutions.

Navigateinto Starting your Microsoft Dynamics blog like this : "When you buy a sheep, how much is it worth to you, what is its value?" when trying to explain about costs in NAV, asks for respect.

In our training we also speak about animals like chicken when explaining about types of tables, flowfields etc.

So, keep on going with the animals Vjeko and great blog.


Hi there,

Thanks for this advertisement for my blog, things like these give me fuel to continue blogging. It is somewhat of an honor to have Plataan write about my blog, so I hope I will get the chance to return the favor.

Best regards,


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