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How to print barcodes on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV report

A student question came in :-)  How to print barcodes on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV report?

To print barcodes on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV report, you need to install a barcode font in windows first. You find these fonts on the web but it is also available for download from partnersource.

Then you need to install these fonts in Control Panel/ Fonts. After that you can create your Microsoft Dynamics NAV report. Where you want to print your barcode, you need to change the font of the textbox to the barcode font.

You also need to put * in front and to the end of the source expression.

Example: : ‘*’ + ItemNo + ‘*’Barcodereport_5 Fonts_3 



Hi Gyula,

This seems to be a problem that occurs when printing barcodes that use Western font scripts.

There's a knowledge base article about it on PartnerSource here:

What you could also try is to use a Font Editor to open the font, and goto the font settings and then you can edit/change the code pages character ranges.

Another solution is to change the PC language settings to English US on both the Regional Options and Advanced tabs, then the barcode should display correctly. But this is not always possible if your clients require to have the Non US English settings.

I hope this info can be of help ?

Kind regards,


I downloaded and tried to use the barcode font as written in the post, but under NAV 5.0 SP1 HUN Build 27191, with the latest Platform Update installed the barcode does not appear.

We also tried the free IDAutomation Code39 font, but the same problem occured.

If somebody knows a solution for this case, please let me know A.S.A.P., thanks in advance!!!


Gyula Csiak-Sedivy (Jules)
Laurel Ltd.

Yes, that is correct. Thanks for the correction and update!

Just a remark. You only need to put ‘*’ + ItemNo + ‘*’ in barcode of type 39. Other barcodes use checksums.

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