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Dynamics-NAV built-in Calculator

Recently I discovered something in Dynamics-NAV that I did not know before.

Sometimes you need to perform a minor calculation before you can enter a value in a field. Microsoft Dynamics NAV allows you to enter an expression and calculate the value directly in many of the fields in the program.

To Calculate Values in Fields:

  1. Enter an expression in the field.

    You can use the following symbols:

    + (plus)

    - (minus)

    * (times)

    / (divided by)

    The symbols can be combined, but you cannot use parentheses, so you must be careful about how you set up the computation. Multiplication and division will be done before addition and subtraction. You can also perform several calculations in the same field.

  2. Press Enter, and the program will calculate the value and enter the result in the field.

So for example if you are creating a Sales Order and for some reason your customer would like to order a quantity of 3+2*4/5 of your Item then you can simply enter this formula in the quantity field and press Enter. Dynamics-NAV will calculate the result and use that as the quantity.



How cool is that ;-)


I was aware of this feature since a couple of years but I've always wondered how many other undocumented features are still available ...

Did you also know that you can get into the import worksheet (when importing a FOB file) if you try to import an FBK ...

This can be useful if all you have is a FBK and
want to import only a few objects (a regular restore will import all objects)

Keep the undocumented features pouring ;-)

Best Regards from France,

Yes, cool :)

In a similar vein, did you know that you can enter a question mark (?) in any text or code field, tab away from the field and the Standard Text Codes form will be launched, allowing you to fill the field from the list of standard text codes.

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