In Belgium payment discounts are always calculated on amounts excluding VAT. When the VAT is calculated on the lowered amount of the invoice, Microsoft Dynamics-NAV considers this as granting a VAT tolerance. This implies that the total invoice amount will only be calculated correctly if the VAT tolerance % (general ledger setup) is equal or bigger than the payment discount % set on the invoice.
An example: Sales invoice: € 1.000 excl VAT
Payment discount: 10%
VAT tolerance: 3%
Calculation without payment discount:
VAT: 1.000 * 0,21 = 210
total invoice amount: 1.000 + 210 = 1.210
Calculation with payment discount:
discount: 1.000 – 10 = 900
VAT: 900 * 0,21 = 189
total invoice amount: 900 + 189 = 1.089
Notice that the VAT is € 21 less then without payment discount, or a 10% VAT tolerance.
Calculation by Microsoft Dynamics-NAV:
discount: 1.000 – 10 = 900
VAT: 1.000 * 0,21 = 210
210 * 0,03 = 6,3
210 – 6,3 = 203,7
total invoice amount: 900 + 203,7 = 1.203,7
Navision only allows a 3 % VAT tolerance, which results in a € 6,3 discount on the VAT amount instead of € 21.
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Posted by: Cheap Pandora Jewelry | 04/03/2012 at 09:11