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How can I get the same No in my Posted and Non-Posted document(s) ?

In Microsoft Dynamics-NAV the No. Field in the Purch. Inv. Header table  contains the posted purchase invoice number.
Normally, in Microsoft Dynamics-NAV, when you post an invoice, the program gives it the next number from the number series in the Posting No. Series field on the Purchase header. The No. on the Purchase Invoice and the No. on the Posted Purchase Invoice will be different.

But what if our customer request that the number in the posted invoice should be the same as the number on the invoice ?

To make this possible in Microsoft Dynamics-NAV you can manually (or programaticly) enter a number in the Posting No. field on the Purch. Inv. Header table .

==> Here you can enter the number of the posted invoice or credit memo that will be created if you post the purchase header.

You will find a Posting No. field in the Purchase Header table and also in the Sales Header table. So this mechanism can be applied for Purchase and Sales documents.

And, If you manually enter a number, it will not cause a gap in the number series.


This is absolutely legal.
Companies are free to choose the No. Series format of their Posted Purchase Invoices (posted documents). The only legal aspect that they have to take into consideration is the fact that the numbers of the Posted Purchase Invoices have to follow each other over the different accounting periods (without gaps).

Which No. Series a company links to its Purchase Invoices (non-posted documents) is of no importance. It is just a temporary number before posting the invoice. Clients may find this confusing and may immediately want to assign the definite number to the invoice.

However you must be careful when handling this type of numbering. The user has to be aware that the risk of making mistakes is higher and that the correctness of the number serie becomes their responsibility. Gaps in the number series can be created or the numbers do not follow each other correctly.

For instance:
- a Purchase Invoice is created but for what ever reason posted in another accounting period
- a Purchase Invoice is created but later deleted
- the user may forget to copy the No. field
- ...

Are you sure this is legal?

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