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How can I get the same No in my Posted and Non-Posted document(s) ?

In Microsoft Dynamics-NAV the No. Field in the Purch. Inv. Header table  contains the posted purchase invoice number.
Normally, in Microsoft Dynamics-NAV, when you post an invoice, the program gives it the next number from the number series in the Posting No. Series field on the Purchase header. The No. on the Purchase Invoice and the No. on the Posted Purchase Invoice will be different.

But what if our customer request that the number in the posted invoice should be the same as the number on the invoice ?

To make this possible in Microsoft Dynamics-NAV you can manually (or programaticly) enter a number in the Posting No. field on the Purch. Inv. Header table .

==> Here you can enter the number of the posted invoice or credit memo that will be created if you post the purchase header.

You will find a Posting No. field in the Purchase Header table and also in the Sales Header table. So this mechanism can be applied for Purchase and Sales documents.

And, If you manually enter a number, it will not cause a gap in the number series.

How to create sales invoices in a current and previous open accounting period in Microsoft Dynamics Nav

It is the month of February, you have just made a sale and your customer would like to immediately receive his sales invoice. But the accounting period for January, is not yet closed, meaning you still have to create sales invoices with regard to your previous accounting period. Normally you would have to wait to give your customer his invoice, as it is forbidden to mix sales invoices over different accounting periods. You have to let the sales invoice numbers increment by one over the different accounting period.

At first sight it seems impossible to create a sales invoice for a next accounting period, until you have processed al your invoices of the previous one. It is possible to make some development changes, but this problem can easily be solved by adjusting the format of your number series linked to your posted sales invoices in Microsoft Dynamics Nav.

No_series_and_sales_invoices_1For instance if your starting no. of your posted sales invoices is 103001 it would be impossible to create a sales invoice for February without finishing all the invoices for January.

On the other hand if your starting no. is 2007/01/001 with starting date 01/01/2007 and 2007/02/01 with starting date 01/02/2007, you can both create invoices for January and February.

So, by setting a different starting no with different starting dates, matching your accounting period, you can subsequently create sales invoices in a current and previous accounting period.

How to stop my Sql Transaction Log from growing too much ?

When you are working with a Microsoft Dynamics-NAV application and a Sql Server database, it's important to keep the following information in mind:

A Sql Server database consists of data file(s) and transaction log file(s). The data file(s) contain you data and the transaction log stores the details of all the modifications that are performed on the database and the details of the transaction(s) that performed the modification(s).

This feature of logging the details of transactions can not be turned of in Sql Server. This implies that your transaction log file(s) will keep growing while you are using your database. The way that these transaction log file(s) grow and the type of data stored can be configured. You can configure the transaction log file(s) to expand as needed.

When a transaction log file grows until the log file uses all available disk space and can not expand any more, you can no longer perform any data modification operations on your database.

To prevent the transacton log file(s) from growing unexpectedly, consider one of the following methods:

  • Set the size of the log files to a large value to avoid the automatic expansion of the log file.
  • Configure the automatic expansion of log fils by using memory units instead of a percentage.
  • Change the recovery model. Based upon how critical the data in your database is, you can use one of the following recovery models to determine how your data is backed up: Simple recovery model | Full recovery model | Bulk logged recovery model

By using simple you can recover your database to the most recent backup of your database. By using Full or Bulk-Logged you can recover your database to the point of failure by restoring your database with the transaction log file(s) backup.

By default in Sql Server the recovery model is set to Full. Then you will need to regularly backup your transacion log files to keep them from becoming too big. You can change the recovery model to Simple if you do not want to use the transaction log files during a disaster recovery operation.

  • Backup the transaction log file(s) regularly to delete the inactive transactions in the transaction log.
  • Shedule the Update Statistics option to occur daily.
  • When defragmenting indexes use DBCC INDEXDEFRAG instead of DBCC DBREINDEX. Using DBCC DBREINDEX, the transaction log file might expand drasticly when your database is in Full recovery model. And the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG statement does not hold the locks for a long time, unlike the DBCC DBREINDEX statement.

Harvard Computer Science E-1

Computer_science_e1 Enter the classrooms of Harvard University.

Computer Science E-1: Understanding Computers and the Internet is a course offered each fall at Harvard University's Extension School. It is part of the school's Distance Education Program, which means that students can take this course via the Internet.

Each of E-1's lectures is recorded (in audio and video formats), digitized, and posted on the course's website, where it remains available for on-demand viewing until term's end. These lectures are available to registered students in high-resolution RealAudio and RealVideo formats, each synchronized with slideshows of lectures' slides.

Also to available this term via podcast to the public at large are the course's lectures and videos of the week, along with some sections and workshops, in MP3 and QuickTime formats.

If every undergrad watched this series, IT Helpdesks would be out of business! It's the best podcast we found. Podcasts by David J. Malan, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard. Malan takes full advantage of the video Ipod to enhance his lessons with slides, glossaries and videos.

Microsoft Dynamics-nav 5.0 Sneak Preview

Istock_000001416975xsmallPlataan is organising a Microsoft Dynamics-Nav 5.0 Sneak Preview Session. Purpose of this session is to inform partners about upcoming changes (new functionality, technical subjects) in Dynamics-nav 5.0 .

Find all details through this link: Sneak preview session

This session is intended for Dynamics-nav partners only.



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