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HOSTED Microsoft Dynamics and CRM

Microsoft will bring its Dynamics ERP products and CRM software also as hosted versions to the market. This will be available for MS partners by a license formule build on subscriptions.

This means that enduser organisations will be able to make use of Microsoft Dynamics ERP functionality in an hosted environment. So they will not need to invest in hardware or heavy implementation costs but use online functionality to run their business. This is what Bill Gates communicated at Microsoft EMEA Convergence 2006 in Munich.According to Bill Gates ERP, office applications and webservices will come together in the near future.

Security and the perception of security will of course be crucial to convince enduser organisations to bring their company data online. Once this issue (the perception in particular) has been tackled I am sure that renting your online business software will become more and more popular within certain industries and segments. This online renting model will be available as of January 2007. Pretty quick!

Gates also communicated to integrate CRM functionality in the webservicesplatform LIVE: Microsoft Dynamics LIVE CRM. He also said that this hosted service would be added with a "Add Center Connect" functionality. What on earth could be this? Well this would be a tool to setup and manage online marketing campaigns.
These tool are also getting more and more popular. In Belgium we have the most popular emailgarage as an example. These tools is what the market wants and having this integrated in a CRM application or platform would be great.

So future will have a lot of renting and hosting


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